Archive for the ‘Line Nurikabe’ Category

Puzzle 407 (Nurikabe) [Line]

July 4, 2012

This is a Nurikabe puzzle, with a twist. It is not allowed to have five consecutive black cells in a row or column. The usual Nurikabe restriction that there can be no two by two squares of black cells is waived and no longer applies.

Puzzle 407

Puzzle 407

Sorry for the unannounced break last week. A second Wednesday puzzle will be posted 12 hours from now to compensate. My summer work is winding down now, so I hope to avoid having to do this again in the near future.

Puzzle 348 (Nurikabe) [Line]

August 10, 2011

This is a Nurikabe puzzle, with a twist. It is not allowed to have five consecutive black cells in a row or column. The usual Nurikabe restriction that there can be no two by two squares of black cells is waived and no longer applies.

Puzzle 348

Puzzle 348

(Click for larger size)

Melon’s Puzzle Zoo has ended

February 28, 2011

Around the time of this posting, LMI is no longer accepting score submissions for the contest. Below is a link to the puzzle booklet, the same as the one on LMI without the password. There is also a PDF that has all of the puzzles on the test together with their solutions (don’t open if you don’t want to see them yet!), as well as some brief comments from myself about the puzzles. Mostly I pointed out the tricky innovative logic the puzzle had, if any — and for the adults there almost always was some.

Puzzle PDF
Solution PDF


Puzzle 287 (Line Nurikabe)

February 19, 2011

This is a Line Nurikabe puzzle.

Puzzle 287

Puzzle 287

Part 6 of 12 in the Melon’s Puzzle Zoo preview series.

Answer Entry: Enter the contents of each cell in the marked rows and columns. Use 0 for an unshaded cell and 1 for a shaded cell.

Highlight to see answer: 1111011010, 1111001011

Puzzle 213 (Nurikabe) [No 5-lines]

March 13, 2010

This is a Saturday Nurikabe puzzle, with a twist. The rule that there may be no two by two square of black cells is lifted. In its place is the rule that you may not have five consecutive black cells in a row or column. (Equivalently, the original rule stated that you could not overlay a square tetromino on the black cells, and the new rule states that you cannot overlay an I pentomino on the black cells.)

Puzzle 213

Puzzle 213