Archive for the ‘WPC 2013’ Category

WPC 2013: Day 3

October 22, 2013

See the first WPC 2013 post for an explanation of the post date. Also, all round scores can be referred to here.

Before I get to day 3, I should note that the team results showed that even despite a mistake on the weakest link (which was my fault, and not related to the misgrade), our sizable lead going into those two team rounds stayed sizable. So the US team took first place this year. Yay!

As a bummer, I messed up the Pento Office in round 12, but I still managed to top the round by a sizable margin. You know it was a good run when you can drop the highest-valued puzzle like that and still stay ahead.


WPC 2013: Day 2 Afternoon

October 21, 2013

See the first WPC 2013 post for an explanation of the post date. Also, all round scores can be referred to here.

The preliminaries are now over. In individual rounds, my day 2 afternoon was the usual: awesome. My team round performance was so-so, but if we’re clean we’ll have stayed level with the rival teams across both.


WPC 2013: Day 2 Morning

October 21, 2013

See the first WPC 2013 post for an explanation of the post date. Also, all round scores can be referred to here.

The day 2 morning is done, and the scores for one of its rounds as well as the day 1 rounds are available. That led to lots of good news. First, what I considered an okay performance on rounds 4 and 5 turned out to be the high scores, and my round 7 score was only behind Thomas’s and Ulrich’s (comparing with both of them after the round probably skewed my perception a bit…). Second, the weighting system of the world rounds may have turned out to be a bit broken in a way that favored me. I figured with the system they used that top scores would be around 600. Instead, I have two scores over 800 on rounds where the scoring rules specify that only four people can score above 500. That seems a bit too lopsided. The around the world concept seems to work great in general, but I think the scoring rules could use another look. Third, my day 2 morning went so well that I have probably clinched first place in the preliminaries even if I skip the afternoon entirely.


WPC 2013: Day 1 Afternoon

October 20, 2013

See the first WPC 2013 post for an explanation of the post date.

Day 1 is now over. It went only slightly less than well. At the very least, I think I have good chances of holding 1st after all the rounds are scored.


WPC 2013: Day 1 Morning

October 20, 2013

This post comes rather late, since the WPC is done and over and I am already back home. But China has blocked, so I had no means to update this blog. I still wrote the posts up, since jotting my thoughts down has been a good way to wind down after the intensity of a series of WPC rounds, and I figured I would just post them all after it was over and I had blog access again. I’ll be uploading the others about once or twice a day; there’s 5 in all.

I wrote these as though it were the actual day and didn’t bother changing the tense or the predictions and anticipations, so my apologies for when you read some things that will seem anachronistic given the post date.
